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Get Involved

Sponsor A Family

We are committed to seeing that no individual or a family goes one day without food. If you share the same vision and are able to sponsor a family in need for one year, one month or event one day, please email:

Sponsor An Event 

Do you have an event idea that you believe Samaritans Help, Inc. could benefit from? Would you like us to come out to an event and speak on what we are doing in the community? If so, email:


We are always looking for volunteers to assist us with our various events, and our days when we volunteer at homeless shelters and outreach. Email us for more information:

Corporate Sponsor 

We are partnered with our parent company, Samaritans-At-Last, and we are always looking for corporations with similar missions to support us. We enjoy conversing with likeminded business executives, so please, send us a line, and let's see how we can work together.

Give A Donation 

We are using every cent donated, to give back to those in need. We are a 501c3 organization and all gift donated are tax dedctible.  If you would like to give a weekly, monthly, annual or one time donation, we will accept any amount.  

Get Involved Today 

​​Call us:


Email Us:


​Find us: 

1055 Westlakes Drive,

Suite 300 

Berwyn, PA 19312 

© 2016 Samaritans Help Inc, is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

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